Free boundary


On the boundary branching set of the one-phase problem

with Luca Spolaor and Bozhidar Velichkov


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On the fine structure of the solutions to nonlinear thin two-membrane problems in 2D

with Luca Spolaor and Bozhidar Velichkov


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A capillarity one-phase Bernoulli free boundary problem

with Giorgio Tortone and Bozhidar Velichkov


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Regularity for one-phase Bernoulli problems with discontinuous weights and applications

with Bozhidar Velichkov


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A one-sided two phase Bernoulli free boundary problem

with Bozhidar Velichkov


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Shape and Spectral optimization


Asymptotic location and shape of the optimal favorable region in a Neumann spectral problem

with Dario Mazzoleni, Benedetta Pellacci and Gianmaria Verzini


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Asymptotic properties of an optimal principal Dirichlet eigenvalue arising in population dynamics

with Gianmaria Verzini

J. Funct. Anal., 287(7)

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Asymptotic properties of an optimal principal eigenvalue with spherical weight and Dirichlet boundary conditions

with Gianmaria Verzini

Nonlinear Anal., 224

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